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04 May, 2012

Precious Moment : My Wedding

04 May, 2012
Salam everyone. Alhamdulillah my walimat telah selamat berlangsung last Sunday, 29 April 2012 which is my birthday as well. My official wedding theme is gold. However the setting for my room, pelamin and dress is white. While for the guest is pastel. The overall picture of the wedding must look simple, neat, presentable and well planned even though everything is planned in a month only.

Sebulan yang lalu, I can't sleep well thinking about the wedding. I called my sister everyday to update and share ideas for my wedding. Anyway, she's my wedding planner. She did complain... penat jadi wedding planner ni. But, saya merayu dia since I'm far from home and pada siapalah saya nak harapkan. Lagi pula, my sister sangat memahami saya. I do not need to complete the whole sentences... she already knew what I wanna say.

Alhamdulillah, everything went well. So, let's cut the story short... Let's have a look on some pictures taken during the walimat. But before that, I must tell something... On Saturday, small akad ceremony was held at my house. Shocking is it? Yes, saya bernikah di Makkah Mac lalu. But the procedure pendaftaran was a bit bla bla bla... so we decide to akad again. As per advised by Imam and Ustaz, kami akad sekali lagi disaksikan kaum keluarga terdekat dan sahabat handai.  

So, here is the deco of my room. Simple is it? I'm kinda minimalist person. I prefer something neat, simple but yet elegant. 

Bilik tidur yang di dekorasi ringkas dan moden.

During the akad day with my BFF Izatul & Cik Yam.

This is my twin... my darling BFF Anis

My lovely sister which is also my wedding planner. Thank you Angah. I love you.

After the akad. Alhamdulillah.

Our wedding ring. Simple. Minimalist. Just like me.

A night before the reception day, I went to Dewan Jubli to organize my guest book table. At first, I appointed my best friend to arrange for me. But that night while transferring all the things in the hall, I felt like decorating the guest book table by my self. 

I'm decorating....

And this is what I imagine during the design stage. Tadaaaa....

The guest book table

I used 3 jars, pastel colour art card, 1 big vase with lily and lavender, multi picture 
frame, wild orchid, fern, bird nest and white stone. I just love it. Alhamdulillah.

This wedding dress, I design it my self with my uncle's advice. Modern urban wedding dress with turban.

My cute little flower girls. They are so cute and lovely. Comel sangat.

King & Queen of the day.

With my BFF as tetamu.

After a while in the hall, meeting all the guest, bersalaman bersama saudara dan sahabat handai, I went out for outdoor photography session. Jeng jeng jeng...

All the photo was taken from my camera... taken by Cik Yam and some by Anis. Thanks a lot girls. Thank you for the help and thank you for attending my wedding. That's all my wedding photo for now. InsyaAllah once I received from my photographer I will upload more. Till my next post.




selamat pengantin baru.

aku rasa aku pernah jumpa lelaki ni kt komuter bank negara naik komuter arah seremban. ke org lain? hahaha. sbb sekali imbas 'eh ni mcm suami shahida'

anyway sorry sgt xdpt dpt
i br je pindah keje kt kl. lost n blur sgt kt sini.

Sha.Az said...

its ok mail... no probie. walaupon aku tercari-cari muke ko... tp ko tiada. btw... pelanduk dua serupa kot.

selamat mekerja di KL. its not that hard lah... treat all the messy things like traffic, crowded as something beautiful that u can enjoy it. tengok-tengok ragam orang. u will be just fine. InsyaAllah.

thanks again for the wish. ^_^

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