Hello There!

22 February, 2012

Tentang Saya

22 February, 2012
Salam. Hello bloggers. I don't know why today I feel like telling a story of my self. Some of you might know me in person. Sekolah sama-sama... belajar sama-sama or kerja sama-sama. But for those who have no idea... tak kenal pun siapa saya. Siapa Sha Az ni? Kan??? Please beware... its gonna be a damn long entry. Gagahkan diri to read if not... wait until my next post. So... lets start.

Tentang Saya

Nama saya Norshahida Azili. Sha Az adalah singkatan nama saya (SHAhida AZili)Berumur 27 tahun (soon). Ada 3 orang adik beradik, seorang abang dan seorang kakak. Saya anak bongsu. Dilahirkan di Kota Tinggi (High Castle), Johor. 

Di besarkan di Kota Tinggi dan Johor Bahru dalam satu masa yang sama sejak lahir sehingga berusia 24 tahun. Pelik sikit tapi this is my child hood life. Weekdays pergi sekolah di Kota Tinggi. Jumaat malam right after maghrib, my parents will bring all of us balik JB rumah my granny and my great grand mother. Saya sempat jumpa moyang saya sampai saya berusia 17 tahun. Ahad malam after Isya' baru pulang ke Kota Tinggi semula sebab esok nak sekolah. My weekends playground is Stulang dan Taman Permainan Bukit Cagar.

Zaman Sekolah

Zaman persekolahan saya... saya sekolah di sekolah harian since primary sehingga secondary school. Pernah masuk sekolah asrama (secondary school) tapi for 10 days only. The reason I told my mom I wanna go home is.... "saya kene basuh baju sendiri, gosok baju sendiri, bla bla bla sendiri" sampai my mum tak larat nak dengar. And I told my mum "saya kene torture dengan Ustaz... suruh saya hafaz surah panjang in 5 minutes. Dan saya kene belajar bahasa Arab which saya tak faham" dan langsung tak ada effort untuk fahamkan. (I was so spoil daughter back then... I admit it)

Yes. I was so spoil until my brother and my sister hates me. A lot. Sebab what ever I did is never wrong. Semua salah orang lain. My mom was garang dulu tau. But setiap kali dia nak marah saya mesti tak boleh sebab saya ada super power at my back. My dad of course. My dad never scolded at me. Never ever. Tak pernah sekali pun sehingga ke hari ini. I am the one who get angry at my dad.

But all my super happy childhood life disappear when my mum and my dad divorced about a few months before I sit for my PMR. I think that is one of the reason saya tak dapat straight A's. Since my dad left, my brother and sister further their study in universities, I felt like it is my responsibility to stay at home and accompany my mum. So I didn't apply for any boarding school after my PMR. I must stay strong beside my mum. My dad got married with other women and leave us in Johor while he started his new life far from us. At that time I felt my world was dark. Darker and darker day by day. Tak ada mood nak study sampai cikgu-cikgu saya kene console saya untuk teruskan belajar. Thank you to all my teacher. And I did a right choice to stand up and prove to my self that I can become someone even I came from a broken family. 

Zaman Universiti

Alhamdulillah I'd able to further my study in UTM with architecture course. My dream profession ever. I really wanted to become an architect at the moment I watch a Japanese Drama series.. Concerto. Takuya Kimura hero cerita tu. Handsome wooo... Being as architecture student really taught me a lot of things. Its not just about building but it teach me about life.The overall process of being a human. With rational thinking, relevant issues, kebarangkalian, and bla bla bla. Too long to tell... boleh buat another entry. I really enjoy my fundamental year. Credit to all my great lecturers. You make me become who I am today. JazakAllah.

Dah kerja

After I graduated saya memulakan langkah ke alam realiti sebagai Architect atau ACI-tek. Ahha... I did enjoyed my career and alhamdulillah bertahan sehingga ke hari ini... di tahun ke 3 saya practicing as architect. Walaupun sering sibuk tahap gaban sehingga tak sempat nak buang whitehead... nak basuh baju kene catu masa... inikan pula memasak setelah pulang bekerja. It's a big no... it's impossible... But lately alhamdulillah, since I worked at the new office, jadual harian sedikit normal dah agak tersusun.

Me and Blogging 

I started blogging tahun 2009 dalam keadaan kudus dan tak tahu apa-apa. Main taram je dan start menulis tentang entah apa-apa perkara dengan kewujudan follower dalam 3 orang macam tu. Mereka tu pun adalah kawan-kawan uni yang turut berblog. Dengan tak tahu arah tuju... nak tulis apa... saya jadikan blog ini sebagai medan lepas perasaan, melepaskan kebencian terhadap perkara-perkara yang membencikan. When I read my past entry buat saya senyum sendiri. Saya masih mentah di saat dan tika itu. And yes... I did deleted a few post yang saya rasa tak perlu disimpan lagi dan saya rasa I shouldn't write it in the beginning. Maybe ada yang perasan atau ada juga yang tidak perasan. 

The overall story of my blog is what ever I felt in my heart. About love, life, friendship, relationship, family, work, faith, honesty... bla bla bla.... Dan sebab itulah... tagline untuk blog ini... "s e b u a h   c e r i t e r a   h a t i" dan segalanya adalah ILUSINASI.

Oh yeah... I did change my blog address a few times before atas sebab-sebab yang saya rasakan perlu. But I will not change again. InsyaALLAH. This blog will stay this way selagi saya ada daya untuk berblogging. Walaupun dengan bilangan follower with 19 people only.. I will continue blogging. Sebab saya masih ada silent readers who suddenly drop a comment. Walau entry saya rarely ada comment.. I don't really mind as long as apa yang saya tulis memberi faedah kepada mereka yang membaca. 

Me, My life and My career

Why suddenly I wrote this is because I am happy to be me. Even I have gone through a tough life before. Trying to survive in a black ocean. Trying to find my path. Trying to share my burden with a person I thought can wipe my tears but things happen the other way round. Setiap inci kehidupan yang saya pernah lalui benar-benar mengajar saya untuk tidak menangis, berhati kental, berdiri teguh diatas kaki saya dan alhamdulillah... saya menemui cahaya yang saya cari selama ini. Cahaya yang akan membawa kesejahteraan sehingga ke akhirat. InsyaALLAH.

Kini... Me

And now, I'm happy with my life. With whatever I have, my family, my friends and my Benjamin Borhan. The fat cat who loves eating at all time. Saya masih bekerja sebagai architect and I'm not really sure for how long I will stay in this line. Sometimes, I did feel like cuci tangan and happy-happy buka cafe selling my macarons, cookies, cakes and a few special menu which I already have in my mind. Sometimes, I felt like further my study ambil master and jadi lecturer. Which one should I go for? So... inilah kisah saya. If you came from the same family background like I do... please don't give up. It's not the end of world yet. But it is just a new beginning of another chapter of life. If you have anything to share or need any advise from me... I can help you with sharing a few stories I have. Don't worry... sharing is caring. 

Thanks for reading this long entry. Thanks for visiting as well.

That's all for today. Selamat malam bloggers.




mengenali seorang shahida sama juga mengenali pelbagai jenis warna2 baru yg 'garang'.

membaca beliau sbg seorang yg agresif, mementingkan hampir kesempurnaan dan yg plg pelik ada pelbagai kepandaian.

seronok mengenali shahida sbg satu jenis wanita dari wanita2 sediada.

Sha.Az said...

thank you mael. terharuuuuu sangat. sweet sangat. macehhh... =)

p/s: sila update blog anda... dah bersawang tebal dah tu. semak samun semua ada. hehehe

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