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17 February, 2012

Balik... balik... balik

17 February, 2012
Today, I'm going back to my hometown... High Castle. Tak sabar sangat nak balik. Last balik masa CNY aritu. Cuti panjang masa Maulidur Rasul + Taipussam my mom went to Langkawi with my sister... Holiday... And I left alone in KL... baking. Hehehe... Its ok... My long 'holiday' is coming soon in 2 weeks time. Really can't wait. I feel nervous sangat. Nervous + Excited... lebih berdebar dari nak ambil SPM or result SPM or waiting to present my final thesis. Its totally different.

So, today I'm going back to High Castle for a small kenduri before I proceed with my March plan. Hopefully semuanya selamat dan berlangsung sempurna.

By the way, I have something to tell uols semua. Tak ada niat to be snobbish, berlagak or what so ever.. i just want to share the happy moment in my life. Yesterday, I went for a Site Meeting as usual... the project which supposed to complete end of this month. The contractor already apply for EOT. Asking for extra 17 days... But I think I will just give 5 days extra. So, they have to do some magic so that the project can finished by end of this month. Finger cross. 

While waiting for the whole team, I went to breakfast at the cafe beside our site. I met one of my specialist. We discuss about the project, deadline, work schedule... bla bla bla its like pre-meeting. He is the civil engineer who supply for oil interceptor as well. Suddenly, he told me... 

"Miss Sha, I'm happy to be apart of the team. Because you are so energetic and I was really surprise that I met a woman architect, still young but have a wide knowledge. I'm amazed with the way you handle the whole team... gather everyone. It's been a long time I didn't met a women architect like you." 

I was so touched when he said that. I was surprise to receive such a beautiful compliment. He  thought that I have part 3. Definitely I don't have. Still need a lot of time to make my self prepared before I sit for the scary exam. He even thought I run the business by myself. When I told him... I'm just the project architect and I'm working for "bla bla bla" company. He said... 

"Honestly, you are more than ready to sit for exam. You should find a company who can offer you partnership"

Wow.... I was really surprised. I was dreaming for such offer since last year. And that is one of the reason I moved to small company who can offer me such platform in a few years. 

Thank you very much for all the trust. Even you are not my boss, but I know you are such a good boss with beautiful knowledge. Thanks again sir. I'm happy to work with you also.

It really made my day and I finally found back my long lost super energy. So now... I'm in love with my job again. ^_smile_^

p/s: I'm coming home... coming home...




bkn main update lg blog ko ek? hehehe.

jgn jd arkitek sementara ak nk order moist coklat kek ni. hehe

Sha.Az said...

hahaha... aku rajin update blog. hobi.

jgn risau... akan aku adakan masa utk siapkan kek ko =)

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