Finally... my number added another one... aish... THANK YOU so much for all the birthday wishes... Thank you... thank you.... thank you.... hehehe... I'm happy coz I've got 2 big cake n 2 slice of starbucks cake... happy even far from family... (cam la jauh sangat... mengada giler)
weee.... happy... nite everyone. Thanks again... =)
29 April, 2010
27 April, 2010
Bagi Nama Kat Kuceng
27 April, 2010
Ade sorang membe aku ni... umah dia banyak kuceng... Ade 2 ekor kuceng remaja, 4 ekor baby kuceng. Baby kuceng tu terdiri dari 3 ekor berkaler putih, sekor kaler kelabu... (bayangkan diorg lari2 kat padang... giler comel). Adik membe aku ni pencinta kuceng... memang sayang giler kat baby baby kuceng ni...
Sebab sayang sangat kat kuceng-kuceng ni... dia bagi nama kawan-kawan baik dia kat skola... ade sekor tu dia panggil...... daniel che mat.... hehehehehe..... comel giler budak ni... dia baru darjah 1. Sangat comel... =)
Sebab sayang sangat kat kuceng-kuceng ni... dia bagi nama kawan-kawan baik dia kat skola... ade sekor tu dia panggil...... daniel che mat.... hehehehehe..... comel giler budak ni... dia baru darjah 1. Sangat comel... =)
Hati... kenapa kau sedih?
Hati... kenapa kau sepi?
Hati... kenapa ko berduka?
Hati... adakah kau derita?
Hati... biarkan duka itu pergi
Hati... simpan airmata itu
Hati... jangan biarkan luka itu kembali
Hati... jangan biarkan kau dilenyek 'buldozer'
Hati... masih ada hati lain yang layak untuk kau sayangi
Hati... lelaki itu tidak layak memilikimu
Hati... kau bukan barang mainan utk dipersiakan
Hati... kau bukan santapan untuk lelaki tidak punya hati
Hati... kau lebih berharga dari hati hati lain

Hati... aku perlukan kau untuk terus hidup
Hati... kembali pada jasadku agar aku dapat tersenyum
Hati... aku sayang kamu lebih dari yang lain
Hati... aku berjanji tidak akan melukakan kamu lagi
Hati... akan aku pastikan orang lain juga tidak melukakan kamu
Hati... aku semat kau di sebelah jantungku
Hati... rasakan denyutan jantungku
Hati... kau penyeri masa depanku
Hati... akan ada sebuah hati suci dan ikhlas untukmu
Hati... aku senyum kembali
Terima kasih HATI... kerana lebih menyayangi aku dari yang lain selain aku =)
Hati... kenapa kau sepi?
Hati... kenapa ko berduka?
Hati... adakah kau derita?
Hati... biarkan duka itu pergi
Hati... simpan airmata itu
Hati... jangan biarkan luka itu kembali
Hati... jangan biarkan kau dilenyek 'buldozer'
Hati... masih ada hati lain yang layak untuk kau sayangi
Hati... lelaki itu tidak layak memilikimu
Hati... kau bukan barang mainan utk dipersiakan
Hati... kau bukan santapan untuk lelaki tidak punya hati
Hati... kau lebih berharga dari hati hati lain

Hati... aku perlukan kau untuk terus hidup
Hati... kembali pada jasadku agar aku dapat tersenyum
Hati... aku sayang kamu lebih dari yang lain
Hati... aku berjanji tidak akan melukakan kamu lagi
Hati... akan aku pastikan orang lain juga tidak melukakan kamu
Hati... aku semat kau di sebelah jantungku
Hati... rasakan denyutan jantungku
Hati... kau penyeri masa depanku
Hati... akan ada sebuah hati suci dan ikhlas untukmu
Hati... aku senyum kembali
Terima kasih HATI... kerana lebih menyayangi aku dari yang lain selain aku =)
25 April, 2010
Feel Like ......
25 April, 2010
Macam-macam nak cakap, macam-macam nak tulis kat sini. Tapi blog ini dah x seaman dulu. Tidap seprivate dulu. Segala kata-kata perlu aku jaga. Aish... How to let it go?? Byk bende terbuku nih.... =(
24 April, 2010
Why People Read
24 April, 2010
We read to give nutrients to our brain
We read to enrich our knowledge
We read to recognize what we have done wrong
We read to help ourself
We read everyday
We read everywhere
At office, at home, while shopping and all
Its all reading
Reading is the main job of our eyes
Let's read together...
While reading this, you are reading.
We read to enrich our knowledge
We read to recognize what we have done wrong
We read to help ourself
We read everyday
We read everywhere
At office, at home, while shopping and all
Its all reading
Reading is the main job of our eyes
Let's read together...
While reading this, you are reading.
22 April, 2010
Laughter is the BEST Medicine
22 April, 2010
Yesterday was so fun n kelakar betul. I started my day yesterday with such a miserable feelings, empty heart n all... Masa lunch, my friend and I keluar nak beli jambu. On our way back, seiring sejalan dengan satu motor ni. Mamat ni bawak motor ala-ala lenggang kangkung mak minah. As usual, i drove my car hapily ever after.
Ada satu lubang kat atas jalan. I've notice that, so I elak ke kanan. Coz lubang tu tengah2 jalan. Nak elak ke kiri ade motor. Tapi, mamat motor yang menunggang lenggang mak minah ni pon ikot sama elak kanan. Elak kanan satu hal, dia elak amik site punye la jauh macam bawak BMW i tell uols... sipi-sipi jek lagi lutut dia dah nak sentuh kete I... bahaya tuh...I terkejut... lalu hon dibunyikan... "PINNNNN!!!!"
Mamat motor lenggang mak minah ni terkejut beruk. Nyaris2 dia x leh nak handle motor dia... Huh... terkejut... I tengok kat cermin, nampak mamat tu tgh dok urut dada.. hehehe... ala2 makcik joyah terkejut kene sergah sebab ngumpat... hohohoho... Terus I gelak-gelak x hingat. Later, after keje I pg tgk movie ngn my fren. Cite best... hehehe....
Sungguh seronok bergelak ketawa di dalam wayang. Tambah gelak bila ade seorang mamat yg macho jatuh depan ktorg sbb dia nak g toilet x nmpk tangga. Gelap kan. Huhuhu... Sian... Ilang dh macho... (try again next time k). Masa mula-mula tengok cite ni siyes rasa cam kene tampar. Mak aih... pedih.. tp the feelings gone with the laughter. Hehehehe... siyes cite ni best.. go go watch the movie!
Lepas tgk movie I balik ofis semula. Ada barang tinggal... sad. Tp lg sad bile my car x bole nk unlock. Erk... cane nih!... Tulung! Tulung!... Cuba la sedaya upaya nk unlock kete. Tp hampa. Lalu I melangkah longlai g naik ofis sambil tekan-tekan alarm. Tibe2... bole!!!... apekah??? Gedik gile kete aku nih... Tinggal kejap pon merajuk. Hish... Aduhai... Semalam mmg penuh ngn memory. Hampir accident, tgk cite gelak2, kete x leh bukak... lalala... But yesterday was so fun after all.
Hope the upcoming day was written happy for me. =)
Ada satu lubang kat atas jalan. I've notice that, so I elak ke kanan. Coz lubang tu tengah2 jalan. Nak elak ke kiri ade motor. Tapi, mamat motor yang menunggang lenggang mak minah ni pon ikot sama elak kanan. Elak kanan satu hal, dia elak amik site punye la jauh macam bawak BMW i tell uols... sipi-sipi jek lagi lutut dia dah nak sentuh kete I... bahaya tuh...I terkejut... lalu hon dibunyikan... "PINNNNN!!!!"
Mamat motor lenggang mak minah ni terkejut beruk. Nyaris2 dia x leh nak handle motor dia... Huh... terkejut... I tengok kat cermin, nampak mamat tu tgh dok urut dada.. hehehe... ala2 makcik joyah terkejut kene sergah sebab ngumpat... hohohoho... Terus I gelak-gelak x hingat. Later, after keje I pg tgk movie ngn my fren. Cite best... hehehe....

Lepas tgk movie I balik ofis semula. Ada barang tinggal... sad. Tp lg sad bile my car x bole nk unlock. Erk... cane nih!... Tulung! Tulung!... Cuba la sedaya upaya nk unlock kete. Tp hampa. Lalu I melangkah longlai g naik ofis sambil tekan-tekan alarm. Tibe2... bole!!!... apekah??? Gedik gile kete aku nih... Tinggal kejap pon merajuk. Hish... Aduhai... Semalam mmg penuh ngn memory. Hampir accident, tgk cite gelak2, kete x leh bukak... lalala... But yesterday was so fun after all.
Hope the upcoming day was written happy for me. =)
21 April, 2010
Henpon dh Kuar Spital
21 April, 2010
Yeay2!... happy!... what a happy day! Henpon ku dh kembali dengan sihat sempurna.. lalalala happy!
20 April, 2010
Tido dengan 'Mimi'
20 April, 2010
Ahad lepas, di pagi hari aku g lepak umah Mak Su. Umah Mak Su ada Mimi... Mimi comel... manja... cute.... Disebabkan masih pagi hari, aku lepak2 kat kusi sampai rasa ngantuk. Apa lagi, aku pon landing la.... Mimi pandang jek buat muke simpati. Nak join la tu. Aku pon panggil Mimi... meh sini.
Mimi datang terkedek-kedek landing sebelah sambil kepala dia, dia parking kat tangan aku. Ala... manjanya. Time tido tu, aku bukak mata sikit... intai Mimi... Wah... Releks gile macik ni... Parking baik punye.
Tibe2 rasa nk singgah toilet. Aku bangun. Mimi pon ikot bangun. Lepas tu aku sambung lepak kat kusi tu balik. Mimi pon ikot sambung jugak..
Ala... comelnye Mimi... Sayang Mimi... Sangat2 happy dapat tido dengan Mimi. Mimi si kuceng comel.... hehehehe
Mimi datang terkedek-kedek landing sebelah sambil kepala dia, dia parking kat tangan aku. Ala... manjanya. Time tido tu, aku bukak mata sikit... intai Mimi... Wah... Releks gile macik ni... Parking baik punye.
Tibe2 rasa nk singgah toilet. Aku bangun. Mimi pon ikot bangun. Lepas tu aku sambung lepak kat kusi tu balik. Mimi pon ikot sambung jugak..
Ala... comelnye Mimi... Sayang Mimi... Sangat2 happy dapat tido dengan Mimi. Mimi si kuceng comel.... hehehehe
17 April, 2010
17 April, 2010
ku harus menemui cintaku
mencari tau hubungan kita
apa masih atau tlah b’akhir
mencari tau hubungan kita
apa masih atau tlah b’akhir
kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
maunya apa, ku harus bagaimana
kasih…sampai kapan kau gantung cerita cintaku
memberi harapan
hingga mugkin ku tak sanggup lagi
dan meninggalkan dirimu
detik-detik waktupun terbuang
teganya kau menggantung cintaku
bicaralah biar semua pasti
gantungnya hubungan cinta denganmu
membuatku sakit
hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
dan meninggalkan dirimu
Bila meluncur di jalan, terasa bangga sekali.. Sebab nampak semua kereta pon ber Plat No bermula huruf 'J'....
Bila jalan di Pulada, rasa amazed.... waaa... dh ade divider jalan... jalan baru... waaaaaAaAa...
Hasil jalan baru tu... dari JB to Kota just '15 MINIT'!... amazed lagi sekali...( tu cam dr Cheras nak pg KLCC)...
Bila sampai Kota... the feeling is so peace.. the peaceful of my little hometown... =)
Bila jalan di Pulada, rasa amazed.... waaa... dh ade divider jalan... jalan baru... waaaaaAaAa...
Hasil jalan baru tu... dari JB to Kota just '15 MINIT'!... amazed lagi sekali...( tu cam dr Cheras nak pg KLCC)...
Bila sampai Kota... the feeling is so peace.. the peaceful of my little hometown... =)
15 April, 2010
What Do You Want From Me???
15 April, 2010
Just don't give up I'm workin it out
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
I dedicate this song to YOU!
Please don't give in, I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
I dedicate this song to YOU!
Konon-konon Tak Nak Lunch
Arini datang office dengan muke yang tak bape nk fresh. Mane taknye... malam tadi dok menggebang mengetis kat blog. Huhuhu... So, aku missed breakfast.. Mata ngantuk sangat so tak larat nak fikir about breakfast (I hate to skip my breakfast).
So, since tak breakfast... opismate ajak makan biskut with milo masa lunch...(bukan sebab dh tengah bulan ok... tp sebab rindu time lunch kat UTM..huhuhu)... Bile dah betul-betul lunch time ni.... ktorg kuar... konon2 nak g singgah kedai anta seluar. Pastu nk singgah beli jambu... (makanan sihat2 jek...) But, bile dah sampai time beli jambu... ternampak pulak gerai sebelah jual AYAM DARA...
Hati teringin nak rasa.. So, iols pon beli la quarter... Huhuhuhu... Ilang dh konon-konon nk makan biskut cicah air milo...hahahaha
Akhirnya AYAM DARA menjadi pilihan. Bestnye!.... lalalala
So, since tak breakfast... opismate ajak makan biskut with milo masa lunch...(bukan sebab dh tengah bulan ok... tp sebab rindu time lunch kat UTM..huhuhu)... Bile dah betul-betul lunch time ni.... ktorg kuar... konon2 nak g singgah kedai anta seluar. Pastu nk singgah beli jambu... (makanan sihat2 jek...) But, bile dah sampai time beli jambu... ternampak pulak gerai sebelah jual AYAM DARA...
Hati teringin nak rasa.. So, iols pon beli la quarter... Huhuhuhu... Ilang dh konon-konon nk makan biskut cicah air milo...hahahaha
Akhirnya AYAM DARA menjadi pilihan. Bestnye!.... lalalala
A credit to my fren for I Am Still All A.L.O.N.E
At one corner
You sit there like a statue
I put my hand around you
Trying to remember your scent
Trying to listen to your heartbeat
Wishing that i can hear only my name
I kiss your head, I kiss your neck
And my hand still tight around you
Trying to deliver every words
Trying to tell every feelings
Without a voice
Because my lips is all locked
But you still did not move
I wonder why
I really want to ask
But there is no voice coming out
Suddenly I heard a noise
I opened my eyes
It is all empty
And I am still all A.L.O.N.E
NOTE: this beautiful word written by my dear Best Friend Forever... I can feel it dear... and i know it came from a sincere heart... will always LOVE YOU anis!!!! XOXO
You sit there like a statue
I put my hand around you
Trying to remember your scent
Trying to listen to your heartbeat
Wishing that i can hear only my name
I kiss your head, I kiss your neck
And my hand still tight around you
Trying to deliver every words
Trying to tell every feelings
Without a voice
Because my lips is all locked
But you still did not move
I wonder why
I really want to ask
But there is no voice coming out
Suddenly I heard a noise
I opened my eyes
It is all empty
And I am still all A.L.O.N.E
NOTE: this beautiful word written by my dear Best Friend Forever... I can feel it dear... and i know it came from a sincere heart... will always LOVE YOU anis!!!! XOXO
Don't Let Me Fall - Lenka
Underneath the moon,
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
But if I should break,
If I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take,
A little of the weight
Or I'll fall through
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Take a little time,
Walk a little line
Got the balance right
Give a little love,
Gimme just enough
So that I can hang on tight
We will be alright,
I'll be by your side
I wont let you down
But I gotta know,
No matter how things go
That you will be alright
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you all
That I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Underneath the moon,
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
Your just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
You'll be the one
That I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you
High above it all
But don't let me fall
note: it's just another version.... =)
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
But if I should break,
If I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take,
A little of the weight
Or I'll fall through
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Take a little time,
Walk a little line
Got the balance right
Give a little love,
Gimme just enough
So that I can hang on tight
We will be alright,
I'll be by your side
I wont let you down
But I gotta know,
No matter how things go
That you will be alright
You're just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you all
That I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
Underneath the moon,
Underneath the stars
Heres a little heart for you
Up above the world,
Up above it all
Heres a hand to hold on to
Your just the one
That I've been waiting for
I'll give you
All that I have
To give and more
But don't let me fall
You'll be the one
That I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you
High above it all
But don't let me fall
note: it's just another version.... =)
3 a.m.
It's 3 am in the morning
I can't sleep when I close my eyes
My head keep spinning
My head keep thinking
All this while
I've been wasting my time of thinking
Thinking about something that I love
About something that I always dream
Somehow, I realize
This dream of love are not belongs to me
It's not created for me to have this love
It's not meant for me
Even I try my best to keep it
To keep it in the most safest place of my heart
To let it grow and always glowing
To make it sweet all the time
It can't make it right away
It flew with a wind
A wind that I never expected
It just came from out of blue
I'm still standing at the corner
With shaking body
Empty heart and clueless
With all the question
It's still 3 am
I've decide...
This is not the life that I dream of
This not the love that I want
I don't want it anymore
Not because I don't love my dream of love
It's just not meant for me
It's just not created for me
I choose to lead my life by my own
I choose to not to love the love that not meant for me
I choose to love my self
I choose to love my future
I choose to MOVE ON...
And I'm DONE.... =)
I can't sleep when I close my eyes
My head keep spinning
My head keep thinking
All this while
I've been wasting my time of thinking
Thinking about something that I love
About something that I always dream
Somehow, I realize
This dream of love are not belongs to me
It's not created for me to have this love
It's not meant for me
Even I try my best to keep it
To keep it in the most safest place of my heart
To let it grow and always glowing
To make it sweet all the time
It can't make it right away
It flew with a wind
A wind that I never expected
It just came from out of blue
I'm still standing at the corner
With shaking body
Empty heart and clueless
With all the question
It's still 3 am
I've decide...
This is not the life that I dream of
This not the love that I want
I don't want it anymore
Not because I don't love my dream of love
It's just not meant for me
It's just not created for me
I choose to lead my life by my own
I choose to not to love the love that not meant for me
I choose to love my self
I choose to love my future
I choose to MOVE ON...
And I'm DONE.... =)
10 April, 2010
Mimpi Semalam
10 April, 2010
Lately, when i sleep.. I always mimpi about a thing yang akan make myself down when i wake up. Very down and buat rasa malas gile nak bangun tido. But last nite. I had a very different dream that make me feel really berbeza than before.
I don't really remember about the whole story... but it was a very happy dream that everyone was so happy, so baik hati, so caring n very loving. What a sweet dream. I still remember the ending of the dream. It's still fresh and clear in my mind.
Last scene of the dream:
(Each of people in my dream knows each other very well n there was a very good bonding)
There was a couple lintas jalan. Both of them nampak sangat bahagia to be together. I was standing at kaki lima kedai and smiling while looking at the couple. This couple stop by at the shell kat seberang jalan.
Later, the guy cross back pegi satu kedai workshop. The women gone from my dream tak tau dia ke mana. But the guy pegi masuk workshop lepas tu tak tau dia buat ape. I walked with a few frens pegi workshop tu jugak. We were borak-borak and laugh.
Suddenly, the guy (yang mule2 scene couple lintas jalan tu) masuk kedai dengan bawak motor. At first tak perasan pon condition motor tu. Then this guy said:
The guy : Mat, tolong tengokkan tayar aku kejap bole tak? Motor aku kene langgar la tadi. Abis tayar aku ni.
Mat : Mane bang? Uish... teruk betul moto abang ni. Biar betul.
(the condition of the motor was so damn teruk. Motor tu macam hancur.)
I was there saksikan everything and in my mind said... Kalau eksiden mcm ni... confirm tak idup punye. Then i look at the guy. (Actually this guy semua pon kenal and care about him. Hati dia baik) When i look at him. Tangan dia dh putus. Berdarah-darah. Aku telan air liur jek.... It must be.... he already..... ****
I don't say a words because I know about something. (In this little town of my dream... the dead can be a normal person and still mix around if everyone really loves them. The dead can still 'alive' selagi tak ade orang notice that he is dead!.. scary huh). But a friend of mine who was standing quite near to me and this guy suddenly cried. He don't know about the 'something' rules.
Mamat nangis: (sambil menangis teresak-esak)... Ktorg akan sentiasan sayang dan rindu kan pakcik. Macam mane bole jadi macam ni... bla..bla..bla.. (aku x ingat scrip sedih dia)
The guy: Kenapa kamu... (sambil menangis dia hilang perlahan-lahan... he knows the rules)
The guy is leaving... everyone was really sad and feel really empty sebab dia dah takde....
Masa ending ni (still dalam mimpi), i feel like crying. Sedih perasaan rasa sangat lain. Tapi when i wake up..... "Oh shit!... gile seram mimpi aku!... apsal mimpi pasal orang mati!" It was so scary...
Today I worked in the office. I told my friend. And she said... when u dream about 'dead' that means a good thing... It's like the new u, the new life. U have something new to go on..
Oh really???
Erm... I let Allah handle it for me. May i found my HaPpInEsS!
I don't really remember about the whole story... but it was a very happy dream that everyone was so happy, so baik hati, so caring n very loving. What a sweet dream. I still remember the ending of the dream. It's still fresh and clear in my mind.
Last scene of the dream:
(Each of people in my dream knows each other very well n there was a very good bonding)
There was a couple lintas jalan. Both of them nampak sangat bahagia to be together. I was standing at kaki lima kedai and smiling while looking at the couple. This couple stop by at the shell kat seberang jalan.
Later, the guy cross back pegi satu kedai workshop. The women gone from my dream tak tau dia ke mana. But the guy pegi masuk workshop lepas tu tak tau dia buat ape. I walked with a few frens pegi workshop tu jugak. We were borak-borak and laugh.
Suddenly, the guy (yang mule2 scene couple lintas jalan tu) masuk kedai dengan bawak motor. At first tak perasan pon condition motor tu. Then this guy said:
The guy : Mat, tolong tengokkan tayar aku kejap bole tak? Motor aku kene langgar la tadi. Abis tayar aku ni.
Mat : Mane bang? Uish... teruk betul moto abang ni. Biar betul.
(the condition of the motor was so damn teruk. Motor tu macam hancur.)
I was there saksikan everything and in my mind said... Kalau eksiden mcm ni... confirm tak idup punye. Then i look at the guy. (Actually this guy semua pon kenal and care about him. Hati dia baik) When i look at him. Tangan dia dh putus. Berdarah-darah. Aku telan air liur jek.... It must be.... he already..... ****
I don't say a words because I know about something. (In this little town of my dream... the dead can be a normal person and still mix around if everyone really loves them. The dead can still 'alive' selagi tak ade orang notice that he is dead!.. scary huh). But a friend of mine who was standing quite near to me and this guy suddenly cried. He don't know about the 'something' rules.
Mamat nangis: (sambil menangis teresak-esak)... Ktorg akan sentiasan sayang dan rindu kan pakcik. Macam mane bole jadi macam ni... bla..bla..bla.. (aku x ingat scrip sedih dia)
The guy: Kenapa kamu... (sambil menangis dia hilang perlahan-lahan... he knows the rules)
The guy is leaving... everyone was really sad and feel really empty sebab dia dah takde....
Masa ending ni (still dalam mimpi), i feel like crying. Sedih perasaan rasa sangat lain. Tapi when i wake up..... "Oh shit!... gile seram mimpi aku!... apsal mimpi pasal orang mati!" It was so scary...
Today I worked in the office. I told my friend. And she said... when u dream about 'dead' that means a good thing... It's like the new u, the new life. U have something new to go on..
Oh really???
Erm... I let Allah handle it for me. May i found my HaPpInEsS!
09 April, 2010
Goodnight Goodnight
09 April, 2010
One night.. i was really frustrated, tension, stressed because of 'that' things... And suddenly my friend asked me to watch this video... It's kinda good song with a nice video. I wanna share it... so please enjoy!
08 April, 2010
Pulang dari Tesco
08 April, 2010
I'm back from Tesco... hehehe bershopping barang-barang dapur, makanan basah, makanan kering dan juga stock makanan ofis... Tidak lupa juga kepada sabun cucian. (gedik gile aku mende ni pon nak tulis kat blog)
Whatever, sebenarnya arini tengah bosan... sebab I left my fav motivation book (for now) dekat ofis... Dah la tengah baca chapter yang sangat-sangat menarik. Ala... So, malam ni tido jek la. Cannot do little reading sebelum masuk alam mimpi...
Erm, kang mimpi nak pegi mane eh? Gi jalan-jalan melawat kawan-kawan la...
Cik Ana, Cik Anis, dan rakan-rakan lain... kang kalau sempat I jumpe uols dalam mimpi k.
Whatever, sebenarnya arini tengah bosan... sebab I left my fav motivation book (for now) dekat ofis... Dah la tengah baca chapter yang sangat-sangat menarik. Ala... So, malam ni tido jek la. Cannot do little reading sebelum masuk alam mimpi...
Erm, kang mimpi nak pegi mane eh? Gi jalan-jalan melawat kawan-kawan la...
Cik Ana, Cik Anis, dan rakan-rakan lain... kang kalau sempat I jumpe uols dalam mimpi k.
Ari Khamis yang BEST!
Best la konon... actually, tak de la best mane pon. It's just arini aku balik awal! Yeay!... Minggu ni terlalu banyak keje sampai aku rasa dah bertukar watak menjadi katun joget kat opis. Bukan multi tasking dh ni... tak tau nk describe ape.... huhuhu
But looking in positive side.. it's a good thing for me and i don't have to think about bende merepek-repek yang buat aku susah hati tak pasal. I'm really looking forward to find new distraction that can heal my heart... (chewah.. mengada gile)...
ok... sambung jap lagi.. nak g TESCO!...huhu
will be back...
But looking in positive side.. it's a good thing for me and i don't have to think about bende merepek-repek yang buat aku susah hati tak pasal. I'm really looking forward to find new distraction that can heal my heart... (chewah.. mengada gile)...
ok... sambung jap lagi.. nak g TESCO!...huhu
will be back...
07 April, 2010
Henpon dikejarkan ke Spital Beso
07 April, 2010
Semalam masa balik dari opis lupe nak singgah kedai talipon tu... aku dh anto dia g klinik... kene tahan wad tapi lupe nak g melawat. Lagi pon aku tertinggal resit dia kat umah... Adeh..
So, tadi masa lunch aku singgah jap... g melawat... Ikotkan arini dh bole kuar dh... Akan tetapi... tatkala dan ketika aku g melawat henpon aku tu... boss tu kata henpon aku kene gi anto spital beso (NOKIA CENTRE)... adeh... rasa nak mengalir air mata... sian henpon ku itu... x pasal2 kene anto spital beso.. sian dia... sob...sob...
p/s: Moral of the storey... jangan beli touch screen... huhuhu
So, tadi masa lunch aku singgah jap... g melawat... Ikotkan arini dh bole kuar dh... Akan tetapi... tatkala dan ketika aku g melawat henpon aku tu... boss tu kata henpon aku kene gi anto spital beso (NOKIA CENTRE)... adeh... rasa nak mengalir air mata... sian henpon ku itu... x pasal2 kene anto spital beso.. sian dia... sob...sob...
p/s: Moral of the storey... jangan beli touch screen... huhuhu
06 April, 2010
It's APRIL!!!
06 April, 2010
April... oh april...
I like april becoz its my birth month!!! I was born on 29 April 1985. so its time to make a wish list!
My Wish List:
1. Nak watch baru sebagai hadiah... I have one jam idaman hati... dunno how much it is..
(since rasa cam takkan dapat hadiah ni sbb mahal sgt.. i plan to buy it for myself... as birthday present... hehehe beli utk diri sendiri...HaPpY!)
2. Nak wallet baru! alangkah indahnye kalo dapat wallet seperti yang sekarang... tp x mampu nk dapat dah... nak gi beli cam jauh giler... dapat yang lebih kurang pon jadik la... (ni kene postpone besday taun depan kot... pasal nk beli mende lain)
3. Nak runaway from all the mess... if i have at least 20K rite now... i will go to a new place that nobody knows me... n start my live all over again... if to restart a life as easy as restarting the computer... kan senang...
4. I want a boyfriend! huhuhu bole x? the truthful one.... the honest one... that really loves me n will be with me no matter what... bla..bla..bla... (senarai normal pompuan)
5. Nak wish ape lg eh... erm.. i have one more list... i wish my daddy will be just fine and.... (bla...bla...bla... only me knows)
6. I have too many wish to put in here... but i guess thats all for now... will be continue... =P
I like april becoz its my birth month!!! I was born on 29 April 1985. so its time to make a wish list!
My Wish List:
1. Nak watch baru sebagai hadiah... I have one jam idaman hati... dunno how much it is..
(since rasa cam takkan dapat hadiah ni sbb mahal sgt.. i plan to buy it for myself... as birthday present... hehehe beli utk diri sendiri...HaPpY!)
2. Nak wallet baru! alangkah indahnye kalo dapat wallet seperti yang sekarang... tp x mampu nk dapat dah... nak gi beli cam jauh giler... dapat yang lebih kurang pon jadik la... (ni kene postpone besday taun depan kot... pasal nk beli mende lain)
3. Nak runaway from all the mess... if i have at least 20K rite now... i will go to a new place that nobody knows me... n start my live all over again... if to restart a life as easy as restarting the computer... kan senang...
4. I want a boyfriend! huhuhu bole x? the truthful one.... the honest one... that really loves me n will be with me no matter what... bla..bla..bla... (senarai normal pompuan)
5. Nak wish ape lg eh... erm.. i have one more list... i wish my daddy will be just fine and.... (bla...bla...bla... only me knows)
6. I have too many wish to put in here... but i guess thats all for now... will be continue... =P
05 April, 2010
'Reconstruction' sudah bermula....
05 April, 2010
okay... here i come... with a new spirit of shoo shoo all the mess of my life! hehehe...
sebenonye... aku kat opis agy nih... tgh boring... keje melambak cam pasar malam... adoi... bile nk siap nih...
time2 bosan ni la aku nk jalankan misi untuk... 'reconstruction' my life to
ok..ok... x paham ar tu... x pe ..xpe
nnt korang sume akan paham...
check it out k!
sebenonye... aku kat opis agy nih... tgh boring... keje melambak cam pasar malam... adoi... bile nk siap nih...
time2 bosan ni la aku nk jalankan misi untuk... 'reconstruction' my life to
ok..ok... x paham ar tu... x pe ..xpe
nnt korang sume akan paham...
check it out k!