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17 November, 2011

Hiking at Bukit Tabur

17 November, 2011
Last weekend, I went for hiking with my friends. 6 of us. Me, Cik Yam, Iza, Roza (Iza's friend), Wafiy and Adi. Dah almost a month I planned for this hiking activity and finally... dapat jugak pergi sebagaimana yang dijadualkan. Tak perlu nak cerita panjang. Let's have a look... the beauty of nature of Bukit Tabur... I'm amazed!... It's worth after almost giving up 3 times in a row. Lalalala...

Overall, Bukit Tabur ada 14 peaks and we kinda finish it by menawan about 11-12 peaks.. the rest.. dah tak larat nak panjat sebab kene turn back which is tak sanggup dah. By the way, Bukit Tabur is located at Taman Melawati, KL. Siapa kata udara kat KL semua tak boleh pakai? Bukit Tabur ada. 

For those yang pernah hiking ke Broga Hills... I have to tell you this. Its 10X harder than Broga. Kesukaran tahap hari panas adalah pada skala 3 tetapi memandangkan masa dah dekat 7th peak hujan turus... maka terus menaiktaraf kesukaran kepada tahap 5. Ahaks... And there's one big rock... very big... (tak sempat ambil gambar sebab kinda cuak).. kalau tergelincir dari that big rock.. tiada jaminan untuk hidup. Hurm... Sounds dangerous kan. So, kalau semangat tak kuat and stamina kurang tidak digalakkan mendaki Bukit Tabur ni. Cuba naik Broga 3 4 kali until u felt.. Alah Broga ok jek.. macam jogging track. Only then you are able to menakluki Bukit Tabur. Enough said... enjoy the photos!!!

-The End-

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