I'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm nervous and happy at the same time. Alhamdulillah everything goes smooth. My project, even though it is not completed due to external issue my client satisfied and granted EOT to my main contractor until 26th March. After I come back from umrah. Alhamdulillah, my car pun dah sihat. Segalanya dipermudahkan.
Just now, after my site inspection everybody say good bye to me. InsyaAllah saya akan doakan untuk kalian juga.
Okay everyone, I need to pack my things... Final packing. Too all my blog readers, jaga diri baik-baik... InsyaAllah... we will meet again here.
29 February, 2012
Abang Tony
I went to Mid Valley semalam. Right after work. I need to do my final shopping for a few small item which is I forgot to buy earlier. Normally, when I went to Mid Valley I will always called my friend to accompany me and have a cup of coffee sama-sama. Sebab he works there and he always tell me... "kalau datang sini, sila contact saya". So that's what I did for the past few months since he came back to Malaysia.
Dia dah naik pangkat and he promised me to belanja me makan at Abang Tony (TONY ROMAS). Beberapa kali singgah di Mid Valley mesti tak dapat nak makan Abang Tony atas sebab-sebab berlainan. So semalam bila saya ke sana and we were searching for a food for dinner...
Him : So... u nak makan kat mana. I'm ok with anything.
Me : I tak kisah.. Anything pun ok... I can't really think actually... Sebab lapar sangat. I skip my lunch today.
Him : Kat Belanga ok?
Me : Erm.... macam tak nak je.
Him : Tadi kata anything.. (and he laughed at me)
Me : Abang Kenny la... Kenny Rogers
Him : Erm... Tony Romas?
Me : Tak nak... Abang Tony mahal. (buat muka sedih)
Him : Ok... let's go to Tony Romas. On me. Sebab hari ni I dapat increment sikit. (buat muka happy)
Me : Serious? Ok jom.
He offered me to order some appetizer, desert and so on.. But I told him... Even I'm hungry now, I don't think I can eat all of it. Main course is enough. He ordered 'small' portion of rib sebab dia kata kenyang lagi. End up waiter hantar 3 big pieces dan dia termenung tengok makanan tu semua. And he gave me 1 piece sebab dia kata dia kenyang dan saya lapar. Buli. And yes... dia memang suka buli. And he's a cheeky guy. Naughty at the same time.
Puas saya makan steak sampai tak larat nak berbual... even the bun on our table pun tak bersentuh. Sebab tak perasan since we are too excited in sharing stories We just notice there'a a bun on our table by the time the waiter bring it away. Sedang berbual-bual... suddenly dia letak the black napkin yang dah berlipat bergulung berbentuk 'katak' on a clean white plate atas table. Speechless and I smiled. Tah bila masa dia buat langsung tak perasan... tiba-tiba je dia letak katak hitam tu atas plate. When I smiled terus dia cakap... "dah ini je yang I tau buat"
Aduhai... lantas I told him... "Nanti bila u kahwin, table makan damai u buat la macam ni." Terus dia ketawa. Idea yang menarik katanya.
Thanks for Tony Romas yesterday.
28 February, 2012
Tips Belajar - Part 1
28 February, 2012
I'm not really in the working mood right now. And I need a break for a while (even I'm having a long break 2 hari lagi). So I want to share some tips. Just 3 tips for now. Tips untuk adik-adik yang masih bersekolah. Yang dah abis sekolah, bekerja pun boleh amalkan. Tak ada masalah. Tips ini saya dapat masa saya masih di bangku sekolah. Cikgu Math saya yang beritahu. Tips untuk terang hati dan mudah ingat bila belajar.
Tips # 1
Jangan minum air bersemut. Walau sikit pun jangan minum langsung. Gantilah air yang baru. Jangan pulak pergi angkat semut letak tepi dan minum air tu. No no no no... So, sebelum minum sila pastikan air itu bebas dari semut.
Tips #2
Setiap kali selepas buang air besar, janganlah dilihat apa yang telah 'berlalu'. Tak perlulah nak buat kesimpulan macam mana rupa bentuknya hari ini, warna apa dan sebagainya. Biarkan ia pergi, tak perlu dikenang apa yang telah pergi. Bak kata orang-orang tua... tak perlu di kenang perkara yang dah berlalu. Jangan toleh ke bawah. Faham?
Tips #3
Bacalah Al-Quran walau sepotong ayat setiap hari. Setiap bacaan ayat Al-Quran akan membuang satu titik hitam di hati. Jadikan ini sebagai amalan. InsyaAllah terang hati dan tak mudah lupa akan ilmu yang dipelajari. Ada ustaz kat TV9 cakap.. (tengok sambil-sambil bersiap nak ke pejabat).. kalau 3 hari berturut-turut kita tidak membaca Al-Quran.. Al-Quran akan jauh dengan kita. Jadikan Al-Quran sebagai kitab pendamping kita setiap masa. Novel-novel lain tu di tangga bawah-bawah sikit.
Sekian saja untuk tips hari ini. Jadikan amalam untuk kebaikan bersama. Okay... I need to get back to work.
Tips # 1
Jangan minum air bersemut. Walau sikit pun jangan minum langsung. Gantilah air yang baru. Jangan pulak pergi angkat semut letak tepi dan minum air tu. No no no no... So, sebelum minum sila pastikan air itu bebas dari semut.
Tips #2
Setiap kali selepas buang air besar, janganlah dilihat apa yang telah 'berlalu'. Tak perlulah nak buat kesimpulan macam mana rupa bentuknya hari ini, warna apa dan sebagainya. Biarkan ia pergi, tak perlu dikenang apa yang telah pergi. Bak kata orang-orang tua... tak perlu di kenang perkara yang dah berlalu. Jangan toleh ke bawah. Faham?
Tips #3
Bacalah Al-Quran walau sepotong ayat setiap hari. Setiap bacaan ayat Al-Quran akan membuang satu titik hitam di hati. Jadikan ini sebagai amalan. InsyaAllah terang hati dan tak mudah lupa akan ilmu yang dipelajari. Ada ustaz kat TV9 cakap.. (tengok sambil-sambil bersiap nak ke pejabat).. kalau 3 hari berturut-turut kita tidak membaca Al-Quran.. Al-Quran akan jauh dengan kita. Jadikan Al-Quran sebagai kitab pendamping kita setiap masa. Novel-novel lain tu di tangga bawah-bawah sikit.
Sekian saja untuk tips hari ini. Jadikan amalam untuk kebaikan bersama. Okay... I need to get back to work.
26 February, 2012
Smurf Humming
26 February, 2012
I'm downloading a few song right now. I need a new ringtone. Currently my ringtone is Smurf Theme Song... "la la la la la la sing a happy song"... whenever my phone ring especially in the office... everyone will start humming. Hahaha...
And last week, my phone rang.. and yeah... with th smurf song... My boss lalu and I cepat-cepat reject the call. My boss smiled at me and start his discussion with my colleague. By the time dia bangun dari kerusi and start walking to his room... He started humming smurf song! Everyone smiled. Hahaha... my boss dan terjangkit sama.
Ok. Now I need new ringtone. I'm having a difficulties here. Susah nak pilih lagu for my ringtone. And selalunya I'll end up with... 'ring ring ring'.... macam telefon dulu dulu. Style apa.
p/s: Cover Iphone my boss is DORAEMON (anak dia pilih kot) and his Ipad is ANGRY BIRD. Hehehe... no wonder he hums smurf song. Lalalala....
25 February, 2012
Another Problemo
25 February, 2012
Today saya rasa tertekan sangat. Masa dah dekat, ujian pun semakin besar.
Problemo 1:
My showroom suppose to finish on 29 February 2012. So, just now I pass my site and singgah sekejap. Saja nak tengok work progress. I thought everything tak ada problem. Suddenly, one of the specialist tak buat kerja. Dengan alasan... kerja akan di buat after the handover sebab service akan operate by April. Ye memang service area operation will start on April but the sales area akan start on 4th March. I can't let people working at the back while at the front house are running their operation. Both area are transparent. Memanglah mati-mati I WILL NOT ALLOW. I asked the specialist to start the work by tomorrow. He claimed.. "we are not working on SUNDAY miss"
Memang saja nak kene fire... terus I replied him.... "I already highlight in the meeting last Thursday, I don't want to hear any excuse saying 'we're not working on Sunday'... All other parties are here now working but where is ur guy? If you want to stay in this line do not give me such excuse. Do whatever you should do... I want your people to be at site by tomorrow. Do you get me or not? By tomorrow!"... terus letak phone.
You really make me pissed off!
Problemo 2:
Air wiper tak nak keluar. I must be stuck or something but it is not working at all. I really thought air dah habis. Beriyelah minta abang car wash isikan air wiper... tengok-tengok... penuh!... erk... then I try to test the water but still... NOT WORKING... I checked the pipe connection... seems no problem. Okay... Stressss!!!
Problemo 3:
My fuel consumption reader tak tele with the fuel flow. Minyak tak menggila cepat habis but then.... the reading is 10.8... that is high man! Is just like masa 1st week beli kereta... 10.5... Lower sikit. Before this... fuel consumption 8.5.. tapi minyak larap. Sebab gear shift ada problem sehingga menyebabkan RPM tinggi.... akibatnya... minyak macam air... bayangkan daily... from my house to office... fuel cost RM15 dengan jarak lebih kurang 7 km sehala. Sebelum tu lagi, masa mula-mula beli... absorb-er salah pasang sehingga terhasilnya bunyi yang annoying bila memutar stering. I'm streessssssedddd... what's next?
"Ya Rabb, berikan aku kesabaran dan ketenangan dalam menghadapi segala ujian ini."
24 February, 2012
Dear All,
24 February, 2012
All praises be to Allah. Lord of the Worlds. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent. Alhamdulillah with Allah's grace and mercy, all the prayer to be one of his guest for umrah has been granted. InsyaAllah my prayer to all, to be granted with this great opportunity as well. On a special moment to be with the creator... I seek forgiveness from Allah and all who knows me. For all my wrong doing. Sepanjang saya berblog, andai ada kata dalam sebarang entry yang menyinggung perasaan dan sebagainya, saya mohon maaf. Halalkan makan minum saya. LabbaikAllahumalabbaik...
p/s: So, terjawablah sudah. I'm not getting engaged or getting married. =P
I'll be leaving soon.
22 February, 2012
Tentang Saya
22 February, 2012
Salam. Hello bloggers. I don't know why today I feel like telling a story of my self. Some of you might know me in person. Sekolah sama-sama... belajar sama-sama or kerja sama-sama. But for those who have no idea... tak kenal pun siapa saya. Siapa Sha Az ni? Kan??? Please beware... its gonna be a damn long entry. Gagahkan diri to read if not... wait until my next post. So... lets start.
Tentang Saya
Nama saya Norshahida Azili. Sha Az adalah singkatan nama saya (SHAhida AZili)Berumur 27 tahun (soon). Ada 3 orang adik beradik, seorang abang dan seorang kakak. Saya anak bongsu. Dilahirkan di Kota Tinggi (High Castle), Johor.
Di besarkan di Kota Tinggi dan Johor Bahru dalam satu masa yang sama sejak lahir sehingga berusia 24 tahun. Pelik sikit tapi this is my child hood life. Weekdays pergi sekolah di Kota Tinggi. Jumaat malam right after maghrib, my parents will bring all of us balik JB rumah my granny and my great grand mother. Saya sempat jumpa moyang saya sampai saya berusia 17 tahun. Ahad malam after Isya' baru pulang ke Kota Tinggi semula sebab esok nak sekolah. My weekends playground is Stulang dan Taman Permainan Bukit Cagar.
Zaman Sekolah
Zaman persekolahan saya... saya sekolah di sekolah harian since primary sehingga secondary school. Pernah masuk sekolah asrama (secondary school) tapi for 10 days only. The reason I told my mom I wanna go home is.... "saya kene basuh baju sendiri, gosok baju sendiri, bla bla bla sendiri" sampai my mum tak larat nak dengar. And I told my mum "saya kene torture dengan Ustaz... suruh saya hafaz surah panjang in 5 minutes. Dan saya kene belajar bahasa Arab which saya tak faham" dan langsung tak ada effort untuk fahamkan. (I was so spoil daughter back then... I admit it)
Yes. I was so spoil until my brother and my sister hates me. A lot. Sebab what ever I did is never wrong. Semua salah orang lain. My mom was garang dulu tau. But setiap kali dia nak marah saya mesti tak boleh sebab saya ada super power at my back. My dad of course. My dad never scolded at me. Never ever. Tak pernah sekali pun sehingga ke hari ini. I am the one who get angry at my dad.
But all my super happy childhood life disappear when my mum and my dad divorced about a few months before I sit for my PMR. I think that is one of the reason saya tak dapat straight A's. Since my dad left, my brother and sister further their study in universities, I felt like it is my responsibility to stay at home and accompany my mum. So I didn't apply for any boarding school after my PMR. I must stay strong beside my mum. My dad got married with other women and leave us in Johor while he started his new life far from us. At that time I felt my world was dark. Darker and darker day by day. Tak ada mood nak study sampai cikgu-cikgu saya kene console saya untuk teruskan belajar. Thank you to all my teacher. And I did a right choice to stand up and prove to my self that I can become someone even I came from a broken family.
Zaman Universiti
Alhamdulillah I'd able to further my study in UTM with architecture course. My dream profession ever. I really wanted to become an architect at the moment I watch a Japanese Drama series.. Concerto. Takuya Kimura hero cerita tu. Handsome wooo... Being as architecture student really taught me a lot of things. Its not just about building but it teach me about life.The overall process of being a human. With rational thinking, relevant issues, kebarangkalian, and bla bla bla. Too long to tell... boleh buat another entry. I really enjoy my fundamental year. Credit to all my great lecturers. You make me become who I am today. JazakAllah.
Dah kerja
After I graduated saya memulakan langkah ke alam realiti sebagai Architect atau ACI-tek. Ahha... I did enjoyed my career and alhamdulillah bertahan sehingga ke hari ini... di tahun ke 3 saya practicing as architect. Walaupun sering sibuk tahap gaban sehingga tak sempat nak buang whitehead... nak basuh baju kene catu masa... inikan pula memasak setelah pulang bekerja. It's a big no... it's impossible... But lately alhamdulillah, since I worked at the new office, jadual harian sedikit normal dah agak tersusun.
Me and Blogging
I started blogging tahun 2009 dalam keadaan kudus dan tak tahu apa-apa. Main taram je dan start menulis tentang entah apa-apa perkara dengan kewujudan follower dalam 3 orang macam tu. Mereka tu pun adalah kawan-kawan uni yang turut berblog. Dengan tak tahu arah tuju... nak tulis apa... saya jadikan blog ini sebagai medan lepas perasaan, melepaskan kebencian terhadap perkara-perkara yang membencikan. When I read my past entry buat saya senyum sendiri. Saya masih mentah di saat dan tika itu. And yes... I did deleted a few post yang saya rasa tak perlu disimpan lagi dan saya rasa I shouldn't write it in the beginning. Maybe ada yang perasan atau ada juga yang tidak perasan.
The overall story of my blog is what ever I felt in my heart. About love, life, friendship, relationship, family, work, faith, honesty... bla bla bla.... Dan sebab itulah... tagline untuk blog ini... "s e b u a h c e r i t e r a h a t i" dan segalanya adalah ILUSINASI.
Oh yeah... I did change my blog address a few times before atas sebab-sebab yang saya rasakan perlu. But I will not change again. InsyaALLAH. This blog will stay this way selagi saya ada daya untuk berblogging. Walaupun dengan bilangan follower with 19 people only.. I will continue blogging. Sebab saya masih ada silent readers who suddenly drop a comment. Walau entry saya rarely ada comment.. I don't really mind as long as apa yang saya tulis memberi faedah kepada mereka yang membaca.
Me, My life and My career
Why suddenly I wrote this is because I am happy to be me. Even I have gone through a tough life before. Trying to survive in a black ocean. Trying to find my path. Trying to share my burden with a person I thought can wipe my tears but things happen the other way round. Setiap inci kehidupan yang saya pernah lalui benar-benar mengajar saya untuk tidak menangis, berhati kental, berdiri teguh diatas kaki saya dan alhamdulillah... saya menemui cahaya yang saya cari selama ini. Cahaya yang akan membawa kesejahteraan sehingga ke akhirat. InsyaALLAH.
Kini... Me
And now, I'm happy with my life. With whatever I have, my family, my friends and my Benjamin Borhan. The fat cat who loves eating at all time. Saya masih bekerja sebagai architect and I'm not really sure for how long I will stay in this line. Sometimes, I did feel like cuci tangan and happy-happy buka cafe selling my macarons, cookies, cakes and a few special menu which I already have in my mind. Sometimes, I felt like further my study ambil master and jadi lecturer. Which one should I go for? So... inilah kisah saya. If you came from the same family background like I do... please don't give up. It's not the end of world yet. But it is just a new beginning of another chapter of life. If you have anything to share or need any advise from me... I can help you with sharing a few stories I have. Don't worry... sharing is caring.
Thanks for reading this long entry. Thanks for visiting as well.
That's all for today. Selamat malam bloggers.
20 February, 2012
Counting Days...
20 February, 2012
9 days to go...
Should I tell now?
Or should I wait a little bit more?
Wanna know what am I up to in 9 days?
Wanna know what I'm counting for?
Should I tell now?
Or should I wait a little bit more?
Wanna know what am I up to in 9 days?
Wanna know what I'm counting for?
17 February, 2012
Balik... balik... balik
17 February, 2012
Today, I'm going back to my hometown... High Castle. Tak sabar sangat nak balik. Last balik masa CNY aritu. Cuti panjang masa Maulidur Rasul + Taipussam my mom went to Langkawi with my sister... Holiday... And I left alone in KL... baking. Hehehe... Its ok... My long 'holiday' is coming soon in 2 weeks time. Really can't wait. I feel nervous sangat. Nervous + Excited... lebih berdebar dari nak ambil SPM or result SPM or waiting to present my final thesis. Its totally different.
So, today I'm going back to High Castle for a small kenduri before I proceed with my March plan. Hopefully semuanya selamat dan berlangsung sempurna.
By the way, I have something to tell uols semua. Tak ada niat to be snobbish, berlagak or what so ever.. i just want to share the happy moment in my life. Yesterday, I went for a Site Meeting as usual... the project which supposed to complete end of this month. The contractor already apply for EOT. Asking for extra 17 days... But I think I will just give 5 days extra. So, they have to do some magic so that the project can finished by end of this month. Finger cross.
While waiting for the whole team, I went to breakfast at the cafe beside our site. I met one of my specialist. We discuss about the project, deadline, work schedule... bla bla bla its like pre-meeting. He is the civil engineer who supply for oil interceptor as well. Suddenly, he told me...
"Miss Sha, I'm happy to be apart of the team. Because you are so energetic and I was really surprise that I met a woman architect, still young but have a wide knowledge. I'm amazed with the way you handle the whole team... gather everyone. It's been a long time I didn't met a women architect like you."
I was so touched when he said that. I was surprise to receive such a beautiful compliment. He thought that I have part 3. Definitely I don't have. Still need a lot of time to make my self prepared before I sit for the scary exam. He even thought I run the business by myself. When I told him... I'm just the project architect and I'm working for "bla bla bla" company. He said...
"Honestly, you are more than ready to sit for exam. You should find a company who can offer you partnership"
Wow.... I was really surprised. I was dreaming for such offer since last year. And that is one of the reason I moved to small company who can offer me such platform in a few years.
Thank you very much for all the trust. Even you are not my boss, but I know you are such a good boss with beautiful knowledge. Thanks again sir. I'm happy to work with you also.
It really made my day and I finally found back my long lost super energy. So now... I'm in love with my job again. ^_smile_^
p/s: I'm coming home... coming home...
13 February, 2012
Paper Cut Dolls
13 February, 2012
I still remember when I was young I used to collect this "Paper Cut Dolls" with my sister. And bila balik dari sekolah, jumpa kawan-kawan sepermainan... all the girls will bring along thier "Paper Cut Dolls". Main sama-sama. Sangat simple main benda ni and it's sooo cheap. Kalau rosak pun tak apa... boleh beli lagi... but if yang rosak tu is baju favorite... memang akan ada air mata yang menangis tak puas hati.Satu kertas about A4 size berharga 30sen kalau tak silap. Then in each paper ada satu doll dan pelbagai baju, seluar, boots and some accessories. Lebih kurang 3 persalinan. And the most wanted is dolls yang ada wedding dress.
Last time I kept my dolls collection in a VanHouten tin box. Full dalam tu sampai susah nak tutup. My sister pula ada 2 box. Kadang-kadang bila dah boring... we used to tukar-tukar the dressing with each other. Sistem barter. One of the reason we love this doll is sebab dia murah, everyone can have it and boleh tukar-tukar baju, boleh pinjam baju kawan. Maklumla... dulu-dulu nak dapat barbie is like something impossible. If Iasked for a doll definitely dapat doll yang bila berdiri mata terbuka, bila baring dia tidur... Hehehe... Funny but I have a few of them before. Keep changing once yang lama getting old.
Today, I went to a supermarket beli a few things and I found this as a gift of purchasing Libresse. Its funny to look at them. Mengimbau kenangan silam. So for those yang rasa nak have it back can follow me... belilah promo pack and get this "Paper Cut Dolls" You even get the tin case. It's cool....
The whole set
Dress no. 1
Dress no. 2
Keep it safe...
... in this tin case ;)
Eternal Love
Why did u keep your burden inside you
when you have Allah to tell it to?
Why did u fear everyone might hate you
when you have Him who understands you?
Why did you fill your heart with pain and anguish
when you have Him to fill it with eternal bliss?
Why did you choose to settle in turbulence
when there's His pure love that speaks of peace?
Open your heart, Let Allah wash away the hurt,
Embrace the greatest love.. He, alone could give you.
Pray to Allah for He listens to all prayers,
Believe in Him alone and not the deceiving others,
do what He says for He is your mentor,
Love him truly and not the impostor.
When you are in battle unarmed,
let His love be your sword,
When you feel cold, let His love warm you,
When you stumble and fall,
let His love catch you.
When you have no food to eat,
let His love fill your tummy,
When you can no longer breathh,
let His love be your air,
When you have no more to drink,
let His love be your water.
When you are lost in the rain,
let Allah's love be your shade,
When you are lost in the dark,
let His love be your light,
When you can no longer see,
let His love be your sight.
When youare bruises in a fight,
let's Allah's love stop your bleedings,
When you are wronged in an argument,
let His love unleash what's true.
When no one understands you,
let Allah's love be searched,
When no one listens to you,
let His love be heard,
When no one believes in you,
let His love be seen,
let His love be seen,
When no one trusts you,
let His love be serene.
let His love be serene.
When you believe nobody loves you,
let Allah's love be your confidence,
When you doubt nobody protects you,
let His love be your defense,
When you feel nobody cares for you,
let His love heed.
When someone foold you,
let Allah's love make you wiser,
When someone belittles you,
let His love make you greater,
When someone abandons you,
let His love show you what to do.
When you are weak,
let Allah's love be your strenght,
When you can no longer smile,
let his love be sent,
When you are lost,
let his love be your way,
let his love be your way,
When you can no longer speak,
let His love tell you what to say.
When you are afraid,
let Allah's love be your protection,
When you are confused,
let His love be your liberation,
When you are hurting,
let His love be your therapy.
When you feel like giving up,
let Allah's love push you,
When you feel tired and fed up,
let His love's purpose pursue,
When you reach the pinnacles of your journey,
The angles of heavens will welcome you finally.
So go on, walk on the road leading to His heavens' grandeur,
Don't go a day without His love, you will never falter,
Don't let the devil deceive your heart, Allah shall conquer it forever.
Hold on and believe in Allah's love, That's the best you can have,
Please never weep again, And in your heart... let His love remain.
Allahu Akbar
10 February, 2012
10 February, 2012
After chinese new year... kerja-kerja office hebat sekali.. sehingga tiada masa. I even work on Taipussam. Due to deadlines... project completion date... bla bla bla... terlalu banyak sehingga rasa tak tertanggung. Boss pula keep pushing me to complete the job as much as I can before my long leave. Dah tak lama dah... about 3 weeks to go. Alhamdulillah. tak sabar sangat.
Last ni is the climax. I promised my sister to help her on preparing defect list for her new house. I even promised her to sent the file last nite. Tapi badan terlalu lemah. Selesai maghrib... saya rasa badan seram sejuk. Tekak terasa perit. Kepala terasa berat. Hidung.. terlalu penuh dan menyukarkan saya untuk bernafas. Perut terasa lapar tapi tiada daya langsung nak mengunyah. End-up saya minum sekotak susu, makan penadol 2 biji... ubat selesema dan ubat pening kepala... langsung tidur. I switch off the fan and light as well.... covered my self with my favourite comforter. I went to sleep at 8pm.
Around 8.20pm saya dengar azan Isyak... tapi tak mampu nak bangun. Hati tak tenteram sangat tapi tak ada daya langsung. I slept until 3am. Tepat jam 3 pagi... saya terbangun. Ada missed call from my sister and a few messages. Lantak lah... I don't care. Segera saya bangun dan selesaikan Isyak. Kemudian I went back to bed. Tidur dalam senyum. Badan pun dah rasa ok.
Early morning.. actually I was planned to go to clinic. But in my mind... keep thinking about the project yang perlu saya hantar ke client by today. So, saya batalkan niat ke klinik. Somehow... I felt so cold right now. Kepala rasa berat... mata rasa panas.... I'm not in the mood!!!
07 February, 2012
Baking with Love
07 February, 2012
Since last week, I've been busy menyiapkan tempahan Macaron, Pavlova dan Cookies. Last call order sebelum I rest for a while. Baru berbisnes dah nak berehat? Its just temporary. Bukan permanent. InsyaAllah by end of March, tempahan dibuka semula. Here is some of my last tempahan before melabuhkan tirai sementara.
Goodies Bag Cookies for 'my kenduri' next week.
Goodies Macaron order by my roommates masa foundation year
Yang in untuk hantaran also ordered by my lovely roommates... LULU.
(nanti saya ceritakan sikit about Lulu k... in next post insyaALLAH.)
Menyiapkan semua tempahan ni la yang membuatkan saya tak menang tangan. Maklumla... tak ada assistant. Semua kene buat sendiri. How I wish there's someone who can help me. Apa-apa pun... I wanna say a million thanks to those yang order, menjadi tester, yang memberikan kata-kata semangat, pujian dan jugak yang condemn me (ada ke?) mana la tau kan... tak perasan ke... Thanks a lot. Sayang sangat-sangat korang semua. Jazakallahu khayran. Maka dengan ini... my little oven Ketuhar Shaaz akan melabuhkan tirai buat sementara waktu. Sementara je tau. Nanti order lagi eh. Hehehe...
Good night everyone... Have a sweet dreamsssss *wink
03 February, 2012
Kacang Merah vs Cat's Paws
03 February, 2012
Cendol memang best. Begitu sedap dimakan especially time petang. Sambil makan pisang goreng cicah sambal kicap. Kat KL ni its like a miracle kalau jumpa acik jual pisang goreng dengan sambal kicap. Masa kecil-kecil dulu.. I'm not really into cendol cendol semua ni. Rasa dia ok tapi rasa tak sampai hati nak makan. Sebab bila cedok-cedok nanti jumpa kacang merah. And time tu saya panggil kacang merah ni... tapak tangan kucing. It's so similar sampai rasa tak sampai hati nak makan.
I even asked my dad at that time... "Abah... pakcik cendol tu korek tangan kucing ke nak buat cendol ni".. pulak tu my dad saja nak dengki.. dia jawab.... "Haah la... kan sama tu..." Terus saya rasa tak lalu.. Kesian sangat. How can I eat tangan kucing when they are super duper cute. When you look into thier eyes.. its sooo... oooooowwww......
But sekarang tidak lagi. Sebab it is definitely bukan tangan kucing. Its kacang merah la.. Ish... Tak baik dengki-dengki tau. Tapi kan... cuba uols tengok... similar kan??? Bezanya saiz je... Kacang merah besar sikit.
Kalaulah cat's paws ni boleh dimakan... does it taste the same like kacang merah? Hehehe...
Btw, atas sebab ini jugaklah saya kurang berminat membela kucing yang paws and hidung colour coklat. I prefer yang colour pink. Sebab nak avoid rasa makan tangan kucing tiap kali kunyah kacang merah. Lalala... enjoy your holiday!!!!
02 February, 2012
Saya di Dera
02 February, 2012
Pilu rasa hati... Tiap saat saya berdebar. Degupan jantung sangat kuat... Tiap kali nama saya dipanggil... saya rasa bagai jantung akan gugur. Seperti terputus nyawa... Masa bagaikan terlalu cepat sehingga saya rasa tak sempat nak bernafas.
Setiap malam saya gelisah. Tidur dalam ketakutan dan kerisauan. Tiap kali jarum saat berjalan... saya dengar dengan jelas sehingga rasa tertekan. Bila saya pejam mata... bayangan itu semakin jelas sehingga memaksa saya membuka mata dalam gelap. Tertekan sekali. Setiap pagi... bila bangun dari tidur saya rasa takut sangat.

Saya tak tahu nak mengadu pada siapa. Tak mampu untuk saya ceritakan dari mula. Terlalu berdebar. Sesungguhnya.. saya rasa di dera. Didera oleh deadlines yang berderet tanpa secebis ihsan. Ececece... macam ye ye je kene dera kan?
Agak-agak curious tak baca awal-awal tadi? Hehehe... Well well well... Saya tak tipu pun... ini kisah benar... saya di dera oleh tanggungjawab sebagaimana tuntutan kerjaya saya. Hati runsing... projek-projek yang saya tengah handle memerlukan perhatian penuh dari saya... termasuk projek-projek tempelan yang turut memanggil mesra. Mesralah sangattttt... sampai headache setiap petang.
I only have 27 days left. Too many things to do sampai saya rasa nak ke toilet pun tak sempat. Nak tidur pun saya rasa seperti banyak masa saya yang akan berlalu begitu sahaja. Ikutkan hati nak je stay up straight 3 days. Tapi badan ni bukan muda lagi. Kalau zaman study tu.. setakat 3 hari straight tak tidur its not a big deal pun. Malah menjadi adat resam bagi semua student architecture.
But not at the age of 26 yang tak lama lagi akan jadi 27 ni. Tak larat dah. But seriously, setiap hari bila masuk office I felt like ada orang kejar saya dari belakang... tak cukup masa yang ada kat office. Tak apa... it's apart of test from Him.
Hopefully semua akan berjalan lancar. I can't stop smilinggggggg... ^__^
p/s: ada rasa macam baca essey masa zaman sekolah tak? yang ending dia.... saya sebatang pen. hehehehe
p/s: ada rasa macam baca essey masa zaman sekolah tak? yang ending dia.... saya sebatang pen. hehehehe