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23 December, 2011

Bai KL.... Hai JB

23 December, 2011
Since Gabby died last weekend... rasa macam tak berapa bermaya lah. My housemate offer me BMT Subway... its my favourite.... hell yeah.. I never say no to BMT.. Always yes... but the day she offered me... I said No... thank you. I don't feel like eating. My housemate buat muka tak percaya... "Erm... it's your favourite... BMT. Or maybe keep it first in the fridge.. later u can eat it... Breakfast perhaps".... i replied her "thank you so much... but I don't think I can at them... I lost my appetite"... She just looked  at me and tell me to get some rest. I just drank a glass of milk dan tidur... Btw the way, that day which is the day Gabby died, my girlfriend sleepover at my house. She is the one yang tolong saya tanam Gabby next morning. Right after pengebumian Gabby, both of us siap-siap for a wall climbing.

I bought the coupon few months ago and barulah last Saturday nak redeem. Since everything booked already I have no choice but to go even I felt so sad about what happen to Gabby. Climb punya climb sampai tangan, kaki dan perut semua kejang. Nak gengam tangan pun saya tak mampu. Then later I send my girlfriend back sbb dia nak balik ke JB petang tu... saya pon balik la rumah. Well, mana lagi saya nak pergi. I have no one in KL. Eh tipu pulak... Ada... I have my aunty, my uncle and my cousins and also my daddy. Tapi saya tak rasa nak jumpa sesiapa pun. So, balik rumah duduk sorang-sorang dan termenung. Mula la nak meleleh air mata lagi. Pergi ke tingkap... pandang je kat kubur Gabby.

Something need to be done. I can't be like this. So, saya ke kitchen dan buat cookies. Sampai ke malam. Hehehe... BTW... the next day bila housemata saya balik... Dia bawa sesuatu. Dia message saya..."saya dah sampai. turun bawah jap boleh? banyak barang la" Saya pon melangkah longlai turun... Bila saya sampai je depan lif... tengok-tengok ada kotak... Dalam kotak tu... ada budak bulu-bulu bertelinga panjang!!!! My housemate bawa balik rabbit untuk sayaaaa... terharu sangat. Dia tak la secantik Gabby yang gebu tu. Dia macam panda.... hehe... tapikan... saya sedih. Sebab saya rasa Gabby sedih bila saya ada rabbit lain. Saya cuba untuk jaga Panda tapi haish... It's really hard to explain. I pushed myself... tapi.... erm... kerja pulak bertimbum kat office sebab projek baru start construction. Tiap-tiap malam saya stay up buat kerja sampi pukul 3... kadang-kadang sampai subuh. Sehingga saya lupa... ada lagi satu nyawa di bilik saya. Panda.

Since jiwa kacau... weekend ni... saya akan pulang ke JB. Weeeeeee...... Bai KL.... I'm not gonna miss u. Hai JB... I miss u so much!!!!

p/s: nanti saya post gamba Panda... dan juga gambar wall climbing... ^_^


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