Last March, I finally submitted my log book at Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM) in application to sit for Part III exam next year. For those who didn't know... this exam adalah satu peperiksaan professional yang akan membawa title Ar. kepada para arkitek. If you pass you will get the title, if not... see you next year. It is not an easy exam babe. Its not about how to design, how to use autocad, or how to draw? It's all about ACT... AKTA... UNDANG-UNDANG... So, for adik-adik yang menyimpan cita-cita untuk jadi arkitek, please bear in mind to become a PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT you have to know the act. Semuanya mesti di hujung jari.
Penting ke untuk ambil Part III ni? Oh well, it's depend.. If you want to be professional and registered architect then go for it. But if you kind of person who loves to "do design... design... design and lantak pi la law ke act ke" then you can put aside this part. But me... for myself.. I want to be professional in my career... Just imagine... "Do you want to be a driver without a licence? Where you can drive but you have no licence?" I choose to be a driver with a licence. So, that's why I want to sit for Part III Exam.
Most of people in arcitecture said... lebih baik ambil di usia muda... especially those yang bujang. Sebab nak commit to study when u have family it is not easy. Nak uruskan anak, hal-hal pejabat, uruskan suami dan keluarga.... It's a super duper multi tasking wokeyh!!! Mengenangkan hal inilah saya rasa ada baiknya saya ambil sekarang. Dengan harapan boleh lebih tumpuan pada exam.
Rasanya selepas raya puasa ni saya dah boleh berjinak-jinak buka buku act dan start study. I need to. Dah lama meninggalkan zaman belajar dan rasanya otak ni pon agak beku sikit. Need to warm them up. But before that I need to make sure all the act book dah ada... Err.... tu yang kene plan untuk pergi shopping buku. OMG... banyaknya yang perlu dilakukan... Act book yang perlu di baca adalah :
a) Architects Act 1967
b) Architects Rules 1996
c) Architects (Scale of Minimum Fees) Rules 1986
d) Uniform Building By-Laws 1984
e) Streets, Drainage and Building Act 1974
f) PAM Standard Form of Contract
g) PAM Standard Form of Sub-Contract
h) Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966
i)Strata Title Act
j) National Land Code
Huhuhu... Am I ready? Errr.... In Shaa Allah... Berdebar sungguh rasa hati ni... Sesiapa yang nak ambil next year macam saya, and belum ada study group can let me know... I'm looking for members... Huh.... *wink